Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Madonna and Lourdes at the Vanity Fair Oscars Party

Madonna showed up and quickly left the Vanity Fair after party for the Oscars. She brought along her stunning daughter Lourdes for the ride.

Controversy is never far behind Madonna and she has been recieving a lot of negative press for her choice of attire. Wearing only fish net stockings, leotard and a fur vest she certainly was an image to behold.

While we have obviously seen Madonna wearing much less (see her Sex book) the controversy is based around the fact that she was dressed like this while accompanied by her 14 year old daughter.

Personally I don't see the problem, Lourdes's mother is Madonna for crying out loud, I'm sure she is well accustomed to her mothers daring style choices and the fact of the matter is that Madonna looks amazing. At 52 she has a body most girls in their 20's would die for so she is more than capable of pulling this look off.

Besides, I'd rather this Madonna than the one who a few years ago was dressing in an overly matronly way whilst selling books for children. While the press is constantly bashing her for being overtly sexual in her 50's , secretly I think a lot of these columnists have a real love for her.

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